Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Div Overlay layout..!!?? Plzz help.Plz Reply.People pls help this time..!!?

Can anyone tell me how to do/make div overlay layout?. I know where to get them..but i dunno how.There's instruction 4 it right?.Such as replace the xxxxx with ur friend ID but at the end my profile is a mess and my friends says they can't contact me.

Please help and explain how,what should I do step by step,what's my mistake..and stuff . Type them in the simplest word as u can. PLLEEEAASSEE help me.

Thank You~

I'll choose one of the best answer

Thank You..Thank You very much

I wanna know this so badly.

Div Overlay layout..!!?? Plzz help.Plz Reply.People pls help this time..!!?myspace co uk

If it's a SIMPLE pre-made overlay, then the only thing you should be replacing is the part where it says FRIEND ID HERE...Like for example:

%26lt;p%26gt;%26lt;a href="http://www.createblog.com/layouts/... title="Grab Myspace Layouts and Myspace Codes"%26gt;%26lt;img src="http://www.createblog.com/images/li... border="0" alt="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0p... /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;


td td td td{border:0px;width:0px;text-align:left;...


table table table{padding:1px;height:.01%;width:100%...

table table,table table table table,table,tr,td{height:0px;!important;...

a.text,table div font a,table div div,.navbar font,tr td font{visibility:hidden;display:none;heig...

table table table table,table table table table td.text, td.text td.text table{display:none;}

td.text table table{display:inline;visibility:visible;...

table td table tr td.text table{visibility:hidden;}

table td table tr td.text table table,table td table tr td.text table table td.text{visibility:visible;}



{sets the default style for the body, table data, list data, divisions and text areas}

{ body, well you know what that is}

{ div, p, and xmp are classes}

{ table, tr, td, and th are table properties}








text-align: left;

scrollbar-arrow-color: ffffff;

scrollbar-face-color: CAAD9F;

scrollbar-3dlight-color: CAAD9F;

scrollbar-highlight-color: CAAD9F;

scrollbar-darkshadow-color: CAAD9F;

scrollbar-shadow-color: CAAD9F;

scrollbar-track-color: CAAD9F; }

input, select, textarea, .textfield, .button {




border: 1px dashed FFFFFF;






font-size: 28px;


text-align: center;

line-height: 27px;





border-bottom:dashed 1px;

border-top:dashed 1px;





font:30px century gothic;






a.navbar,a.navbar:link,a.navbar:active... font-size:11pt;color:dbbcbd;text-decorat...

a.navbar:hover{font-family:tahoma; font-size:11pt; line-height:10pt; color:FFFFFF; border-bottom:1px dashed FFFFFF;}

.btext, .itext{font-family:tahoma; font-size:8pt; line-height:10pt; color:FFFF00;border:0px solid FFFFFF;}

.bwtext, .rtext, .rbtext, .subhead{font-family:tahoma; color:FFFFff;font-size:8pt;font-weight:b...

.stext, .sbtext, .swtext{font-family:tahoma; color:FFFFff;font-size:11pt;}

.head11, .text11{font-family:tahoma; color:FFFFff;font-size:8pt;}

table.grey, tr.grey, td.grey{font-family:tahoma;

font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

table.white, tr.white, td.white{font-family:tahoma;

font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

table.accent_light, tr.accent_light,


font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

table.accent_dark, tr.accent_dark,


font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

table.action, tr.action, td.action{font-family:tahoma;

font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF; }

table.blue_light, tr.blue_light,


font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

table.blue_dark, tr.blue_dark, td.blue_dark{font-family:tahoma;

font-size:8pt;background:transparent;b... solid FFFFFF;}

a.man,a:link,a:active,a:visited{font-f... font-size:9pt;color:503719; text-decoration:none;border-bottom:2px solid caad9f; background-color: e9cec1; line-height: 12pt; width: 100%;}

a:hover{font-family:tahoma; font-size:9pt;color:503719; text-decoration:none; background-color: a6967d; border-left: 5px solid e9cec1; border-bottom:2px solid caad9f; line-height: 12pt; text-align: right;}


%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

body div table td form option{display:none!important;}

body div table td form select{display:none!important;}

body div table td form input{display:none!important;}


%26lt;div class="bg" style="position: absolute; left: 100px; top:0px; width:1280px; height:900px; overflow: hidden;"%26gt;

%26lt;img src="http://cbimg6.com/layouts/07/06/08/...


%26lt;div class="LINKS" style="position: absolute; left:115px; top:325px; width:175px; height:200px; overflow: auto; "%26gt;%26lt;center%26gt;

%26lt;A HREF="http://home13.myspace.com/index.cf...

%26lt;A HREF="http://mail.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://collect.myspace.com/index.c...

%26lt;A HREF="http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?f...

%26lt;A HREF="http://comments.myspace.com/index.... Comments%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;

%26lt;A HREF="http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/in...

%26lt;A HREF="http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://studioshique.blogspot.com"%26gt;... Shique Designs%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;

%26lt;div class="LINKS" style="position: absolute; left:310px; top:325px; width:430px; height:260px; overflow: auto;"%26gt;


%26lt;img src="http://cbimg6.com/layouts/07/06/08/...

%26lt;h2%26gt;your name here%26lt;/h2%26gt;


%26lt;h1%26gt;about me:%26lt;/h1%26gt;

This is where you would put all of the information about yourself, or you can change the title from "about me" to anything you want it to say and put whatever you want in this section.%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;


Same goes for this section. You can add your interests, movies, music, etc... here or change the title and put whatever you want. %26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;


Here you can add another section, or erase this and get rid of this section totally. Just make sure that if you add any avatars, blinkies, graphics, etc. that the width of the image does not exceed the width of the table (in this case 430px) or you will have scrollbars appear.%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;


Let's say all that is your layout code. The part where it says:

%26lt;div class="LINKS" style="position: absolute; left:115px; top:325px; width:175px; height:200px; overflow: auto; "%26gt;%26lt;center%26gt;

%26lt;A HREF="http://home13.myspace.com/index.cf...

%26lt;A HREF="http://mail.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://collect.myspace.com/index.c...

%26lt;A HREF="http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?f...

%26lt;A HREF="http://comments.myspace.com/index.... Comments%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;

%26lt;A HREF="http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/in...

%26lt;A HREF="http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?...

%26lt;A HREF="http://studioshique.blogspot.com"%26gt;... Shique Designs%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;

Where the XXXXXXs are, put your friend ID there. Also, if you want to change what it says like where it says PICTURES, or FRIENDS, just delete that ONE WORD and put something like MY AWESOME PICS and ALL MY FRIENDS, or whatever you want to put.

Now, for the rest of the code, other tricky parts are where you would put your default image. Take this part of the code for example:

%26lt;div class="LINKS" style="position: absolute; left:310px; top:325px; width:430px; height:260px; overflow: auto;"%26gt;


%26lt;img src="http://cbimg6.com/layouts/07/06/08/...

%26lt;h2%26gt;your name here%26lt;/h2%26gt;


Where it says %26lt;img src-=" you should put your own picture URL there. Just erase the part starting at http://...all the way to .gif thats it. Replace that URL with your own. Then, where it says YOUR NAME HERE, just erase that and put your name. Simple!

Then, for adding other things to your page, usually there is a part of the code for that. For this particular code, it will be where it says this:

%26lt;h1%26gt;about me:%26lt;/h1%26gt;

This is where you would put all of the information about yourself, or you can change the title from "about me" to anything you want it to say and put whatever you want in this section.%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;


Same goes for this section. You can add your interests, movies, music, etc... here or change the title and put whatever you want. %26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;


Here you can add another section, or erase this and get rid of this section totally. Just make sure that if you add any avatars, blinkies, graphics, etc. that the width of the image does not exceed the width of the table (in this case 430px) or you will have scrollbars appear.%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;

Let's say you are editing the interests section, and want to put a playlist. Just delete all that text explaining what you can do (Same goes for this section. You can add your interests, movies, music, etc... here or change the title and put whatever you want. %26lt;---delete all those words), then paste the embed code for your playlist in that area, then SAVE ALL CHANGES. When you view your profile, your player should be there no problem. Same goes for the other areas you can put stuff in, such as the ABOUT ME and MISCELLANEOUS parts of this layout. If you need any help creating one or if you want me to make one for you, just add me or IM me


AIM: Shadywookie

Good luck doing your next layout! If you want to see what that layout code creates, the site is here:


Div Overlay layout..!!?? Plzz help.Plz Reply.People pls help this time..!!?my myspace myspace.comIf you can't comment your page from your sister's page, then you must have entered a wrong friend ID, or maybe you cut off some of the code by accident. What happens when you try to comment yourself? Does it go to an error page? Report It

This video shows you how to create a DIV overlay and has a link to DIV basics:


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